Tag: Crispin: the Pig who had it All

Crispin the Pig who had it All – #AtoZfavbooks May Challenge – Day 3

Crispin the Pig who had it allCrispin the Pig who had it All by Ted Dewan …

… Day 3 May #AtoZfavbooks challenge.

If you’ve ever said children enjoy the boxes their Christmas presents are wrapped in more than the presents themselves, then Crispin The Pig who had it All by Ted Dewan is the book for you.

Crispin is a very spoiled pig who has every toy you could imagine. Consequently, he doesn’t look after them or care for them much at all. Then one Christmas his only present is an empty box. Angry, Crispin throws it outside and that’s when he learns some very important lessons about friendship and consumerism.

The illustrations in this book are brilliant and detailed and give you lots to talk about with your children, while the text is very funny and told in a way that children understand. Adults will appreciate the story on a whole other level (which is always great when you have to read a book to your child several thousand times).

Suzie x

P.S. Read this book? Let me know in the comments below.

P.P.S. Don’t forget to share your favourite book title starting with the letter C in the comments below or post them on facebook or twitter with the hashtag #AtoZfavbooks so I can find them.