Tag: text design

Designing my picture book text.

Me  v  Picture Book Text Design.

Page from Little Boy who Lost his NameEvery so often you come across a book where the picture book text is so well incorporated into the page it almost becomes part of the illustration and not just a means of delivering the story.

Have a look at these pages from my grandson’s copy of ‘The Little Boy who Lost his Name’.

I love how the text in the first picture follows the movement of the water and the mermaids hair in swirling lines. The irregularity of the size of the letters and the variation in the boldness of the font makes them interesting to look at.

picture book text

In the second picture, the text complements the houses as it marches up the hill, whilst the huge word ‘Ants?’ emphasizes the little boys horror when the kindly Aardvark offers him some to eat. Brilliant.

My next book, Things Evie Eats, is a completely different design to Better Buckle Up. The illustrations are painted by an artist rather than being computer generated and I’ve tried to capture the lovely texture of the art paper she used for the pages of the book. This gives it an old-fashioned feel.

After spending so long perfecting the words of the manuscript, I wanted the layout of the text to be visually interesting so that actual letters add to the look of the book.

I chose a font which has simple letters similar to those used in early reading books. This should support letter recognition and help any early readers I might have. I felt this was important even though the book is most likely to be read aloud by parents, rather than by the children themselves,

Here’s a sneak peak at some of my pages.

Cheese Block Tower.

picture book text

On this page I wanted the text to mimic the wibbly, wobbly tower that Evie builds with her cheese blocks.

Pouring milk down Mummy’s leg.


Here the text follows the milk and cereal as naughty Evie pours them down Mummy’s leg.

Squishy, squashy peas.

picture book text

This makes use of a different size font and I tried to make the word ‘spoon’ into a spoon shape. This taxed my InDesign skills to the limit.

Spider’s web text.

picture book text

This is the text that goes with last illustration. It took a while to suss out how achieve the spider’s web and make the text hover above it. Thankfully, my artist drew the ‘biscuit’ spider 🙂

I am not an expert in layout design. In most cases my ideas are greater than my skill set but am still pleased with how the book is shaping up … just a few more tweaks before it goes to the printers.

So, do you like wibbly, wobbly, squishy, squashy picture book text?

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

Suzie x

Pre-order Things Evie Eats for 20th July Things Evie Eats


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