Tag: bonding with children

Bonding with your baby: how reading helps

bonding between mother and baby

What is bonding?

Bonding: that intense attachment between parent and child. It’s the thing that helps you love that little person even when they wake to be fed every hour through the night, scream their way through bouts of colic and decide 3am would be a great time to get up and play.

And it’s the thing that makes your baby feel safe and loved.


[bctt tweet=”Children are made readers on the laps of their parents. Emilie Buckwald.” username=”suziewauthor”]


Why is bonding important?

reading with child helping bondingNumerous studies have proven that bonding with at least one primary caregiver is essential to a baby’s development.

It helps them:

  • feel confident in themselves,
  • develop trust in people,
  • learn empathy,
  • and sets the precedence for their future relationships.

Equally documented are the problems lack of bonding can create.

  • increased levels of the stress hormone, cortisol,
  • a weakened immune system,
  • a tendency to high risk behaviour,
  • it’s no surprise over 80% of prison inmates show attachment problems.
[bctt tweet=”We didn’t realise we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun. Author unknown.” username=”suziewauthor”]

How does reading help with bonding?

For some people, bonding is intense from the first moment they see their child, others may take longer but it is also an on-going process that grows and develops every time you interact with your baby.

Here are some of the ways reading helps you bond with your baby.

  1. Sharing a book in a comfy chair provides opportunity for quality one-on-one time.
  2. Snuggling with a book provides the closeness all babies need.
  3. Before words are understood the sound of your voice is soothing.
  4. Even very young babies interact by moving their arms and legs when being read to.
  5. Fosters the idea books are a fun thing to inspire future readers.
  6. Put on silly voices while you read. There’s nothing better having fun together.
  7. A great winding down activity as part of a bedtime routine.


Some books about bonding.

And some book ideas to share with your baby.


So what are you waiting for? Pick up a book and get bonding.

Suzie x


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